My 5 Yr Old Is Napping Again

4.5 Year Old Suddenly Napping Again

Updated on June 03, 2012

G.T. asks from Canton, MA

10 answers

Hi all. My 4.5 yr old girl stopped napping about a year ago, and now she has started 'napping' again. Not formally, but will fall asleep in the car, or just take a nap sometimes, or fall asleep on the couch, even once at the dinner table!
I brought her to the DR and she said it might just be allergies (she has seasonal allergies) that are wearing her out, or maybe she is just more active.
I am concerned - should I be? Does she need a blood test? Or is this something kids do?!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Un, yeah, it's something kids do. My daughter napped most days until she started Kindergarten. For quite a while after that, she'd fall asleep in the car if she was sleepy or we were on a longer drive. I don't see anything unusual at all about this. She'll go through another stage of napping like this in her 'tween/teen years!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Growth spurt. I bet by the end of summer she is a full size larger in clothes and shoes.

If she seems lethargic the rest of the day too them I would ask the doc to order some blood work. You certainly don't want to miss something.



answers from Honolulu on

Maybe she is having a growth spurt?
Or is getting a cold?
Is she in school? If so, they do get more tired after their long day at "work."

My son is 5. However, he has always napped. He still naps. No battles. He knows when he is tired, I know when he is tired. He still naps.



answers from Redding on

Kids sleep patterns change so much. It's my guess she's probably getting ready to go on a growth spurt.

I have two kids and their sleep and eating patterns changed just before a big growth, even as teenagers. I shudder everytime my 16 year old son sleeps a lot and isn't hungry for a couple of days because I know what's coming......he makes up for it by eating everything in the house! And then I have to buy him new clothes and shoes. OMG! He's pushing 6'2", weighs 200 pounds and he's not fat. He wears size 12 shoes. How much bigger do they make them?

Keep an eye on her, but I don't know that I'd be alarmed. My daughter, my nephew, and my son all had these pattern changes.

Just my opinion.

Best wishes.



answers from Provo on

If the doctor thinks it's allergies I would get her a prescription allergy med. My allergies make me very drowsy and I hate it.



answers from New York on

Can she rub off on my two-year-old? LOL.

If you're doctor isn't concerned than I would just wing it. If it's making you concerned, maybe a second opinion would put your mind at ease.

Also, if your daughter is otherwise acting "normally," then I wouldn't worry to much.



answers from Boston on

I'm no dr. But my son started napping again around 5. Like you, not formally, but, in the car or on the couch watching a movie. I gave it up to him being more active and he's growing. He's 6 1/2 now (UGH :( and he will still fall asleep in the car. My son has seasonal allergies as well, and they knock him out! I hope this helps!



answers from Washington DC on

Many kids nap until they are 5 or 6. Half of my son's kindergarten class this year still fell asleep mid day during their rest time, and most were 6 year olds. Just because they give up the nap at 3, doesn't mean that they should have (kids are stubborn and don't realize how good they have it). Usually if they are falling asleep, then they aren't getting enough sleep. Maybe she is more active (either physically or emotionally). You could put her to bed earlier and she may not need the nap. My almost 6 year old will every now and again fall asleep in the car or on the couch. He will insist that he isn't tired, but the proof is in the pudding.


answers from Jacksonville on

At the dinner table?

Is she not sleeping well at night? Could her allergies be making her nighttime sleep not very restful? If that is the case, then I can definitely see the allergy connection. Do you give her any medication for her allergies? Sometimes allergy meds cause drowsiness, yes even the OTC ones.



answers from Washington DC on

My question is -- does she take meds for the allergies? A common side effect of allery meds is sleepiness. Even if she's been taking the same thing for a while, and only now is getting sleepy, the med could be affecting her differently as she grows (people can develop side effects or reactions to meds they've been taking for ages without any previous reactions). So if there is an allergy med in the picture, talk with the doctor about changing or reducing it, or eliminating it if that is possible.

Also think about her level of activity; write it down if you need to and consider whether she is getting more activity than a few months back. Is she in preschool? Have they been going outside there more lately or playing more active outdoor games since spring came?

This also could be part of a growth spurt, which can bring sleep changes and a need for more rest.

And of course, look at her nighttime sleep schedule and quality of sleep. She might need more sleep at night due to a growth spurt, so think about getting an earlier bedtime, perhaps. Kids' sleep needs do change as they grow.


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