Chick flicks have totally ruined our idea of what a relationship is and what it means to be in love. Because of howHollywood has portrayed love, we expect men to be just like those we see in the films. Sure, our relationships will have ups and downs but if it is true love, we will be able to fight through it and have that perfect relationship! Right?

The problem is that life is not a movie. Our relationships and being in love are not going to be just like what we see. Life happens and we get busy, distracted, occupied, and bored. If we expected our partners to be Prince Charming 24-7, then they wouldn't really be who they are! Often times we expect a lot, but once we are in love with our partners, we quickly realize that it is not going to be how we imagined.

Although we may want our men to fall in line with these expectations, it probably will not happen. That doesn't mean your relationship is a sham; it just means that love is a bit different than what you were told by Disney as a little girl. So, what should you expect? The answer will differ from relationship to relationship, but just keep in mind that love needs to be flexible. You need to adapt to a whole other person and that may sometimes mean that your expectations are not met and you have to accept reality.

Here are 14 memes that perfectly describe the expectation vs. reality in love!

14 Chivalry

The debate is ongoing among women – is chivalry really dead? Some would prefer that it be dead so that they can be independent and not reliant on men, but others just like the romantic idea of someone going out of their way to help you. Nothing wrong with that! As girls, we sometimes grow up with the expectation that men will throw their coat over the puddle so we don't get our feet wet, or rush around the car so they can open the door for you. We like the idea that they will take care of us and will protect us (from bad guys, the elements, etc.) if need be. This meme perfectly describes the expectation of chivalry and the reality of it. Many times, we say to our loved one that we are cold. We want them to lend their coats or pull us in close romantically, but often times we get the statement, "You should have brought a coat."

13 Dancing Partner


The Disney classic, Cinderella has forever misled us into what we expect when dancing with a boy. We expect our dress to become sparkly, the guy to grab our hand gently and guide us to the middle of the dance floor where we romantically waltz the night away. All too often, the opposite usually happens. We end up being the one in the middle of the dance floor dancing alone while our loved one goes off and hangs with his guys. There is no waltz and instead more of a hip-hop or intense bassed song. No longer are the days where you can waltz to a song called "So This is Love" all night long, but instead, you have songs like "Superbass" and "Get Low" as your dance soundtrack. This is a perfect example of where our expectations of dancing with our love and the reality of dancing come to an abrupt collision.

12 The Classy Guy


Disney and chick flicks have helped us create an image of Prince Charming in our minds that most men simply cannot live up to, unfortunately. We expect a classic man: well spoken, polite, considerate, kind, and a smooth talker. The classy guy who can win anyone over in an argument and the one who everyone wants to befriend. Then suddenly you are introduced to your love and your expectations of him are ruined. He is definitely a boy and lets others know it. There is no class to be found in an inch of his body. Instead, he is a little impolite, sarcastic, at times rude, and probably makes fun of you. Welcome to reality – this is your average guy! But don't let that dissuade you from continuing to love him! These are just some things that you will have to learn to love about him, grossness and all.

11 Romantic Night In

The romantic night in is one of the most-wanted dates that every girl wants to experience. There is something about sitting at home, no curfew, and eating whatever you want to eat and doing whatever you want to do. It is cozy and close. You probably have imagined lighting candles and sitting next to your love interest while gazing into each other's eyes. But in reality, a romantic night in might not be romantic at all. In love, it can often go the way you don't expect and soon enough you find yourself sitting in your p.j.'s watching the latest show on Netflix and binge watching it all night long. Oh yeah, and you are probably eating some sort of unhealthy junk food that you DID NOT have to prepare. This is just reality sometimes and being with yourself is a compromise for not getting that romantic night in you wanted.

10 Taking in The View

There is something so romantic about standing on a balcony with the one you love and looking out at the cityscape, or watching the sun set in the distance. It is a moment you can share together when the peace of the world just hums around you. In love, we often expect moments like this to occur more often. We want that intimate moment in which you express how beautiful the view is and he replies "yes," but is staring at you (YOU are the beauty he is talking about!). But unfortunately, that rarely happens. You may have had a moment, but then your love interest left to go hang out with his friends. Now you stand alone, staring out at a romantic scene unfolding before you with no one to share it. These are probably also the times where you hate the fact that you had the expectation at all. Yep, that is just expectation vs. reality for you!

9 A Night Out With the Girls

When you take time away from your love, you often expect him to be pining after you while you have a blast with your girlfriends. The music is pumping and you don't have a care in the world because you know that your love will be there when you get back. Plus, you need your girl time! In reality, we often don't end up going out and dancing to music while wearing outrageous articles of clothing. When he is out with his guys, you might try to get together with friends but in actuality, staying at home wrapped in a blanket seemed like more fun! Don't they say that you should enjoy your own company? Not everyone is available for a night out with the girls, and in reality, everyone has their own busy schedules. A night out with the girls might just be a night in with the best girl (you).

8 Intimate Time

Our expectations of intimacy with our partner are often built up in our minds. We imagine the sexy things we will say and wear to make their jaws drop. We imagine being that sexy smooth talker that drives him wild. He never knows what to expect from you because you are adventurous and exciting! In reality, the time to be intimate may not be the first thing on your mind every single day. Doing the deed may be simply that – doing the deed. We wish we were a fun and spontaneous woman but we also have a real life that happens. There are too many items on your to-do list, including your job, chores, appointments and the errands you have to run. Sometimes, being intimate simply involves getting it done quickly so you can continue on with the things in your life. This meme perfectly describes expectation vs. reality in love!

7 The Man Swoops In


That moment where John Cusack holds up the radio to the window in Say Anythingis one that makes every woman's heart swoon. There is something about the man swooping in with a romantic gesture that tugs at our heartstrings. After seeing so many of these moments in films in which the guy rushes in with some romantic gesture, you may find yourself beginning to expect it in your own relationship! After awhile, when it does not happen, you may even start to resent your man. But the fact is that the man swooping in does not happen often in reality. Instead, he is a busy guy with things to do and people to see. If he has got you, then there is no need for huge romantic gestures. He can focus on other things and just know that you are there. This is just one of those things in love where reality and expectation do not line up!

6 Take You Places


In love, we often expect that our partner will lead us to romantic places. They will take us by the hand and pull us to the beach. They will lead us to a place where they can show us the world and be with JUST us. There are tons of images out there of a man or woman pulling their partners to a new location. It is exciting and shows the adventure of the relationship. But in reality, there are not thousands of dollars available to spend to just go to a different place in the world each month. We have a house, a family, a job, and other commitments that tie us down to reality. Instead of visiting exciting, romantic, adventurous locations during our leisure time, we visit Ikea, the hardware store, or the grocery store -- places that are more about utility than romance and adventure.

5 Hold My Hand

Holding hands is one of the big steps in a new relationship. First, there is the loving look, then the grazed touch, then the holding of the hand. It is a sweet gesture that we love and expect to happen. You want him to be sitting at the table and suddenly reach out and hold your hand and give you that warm smile, sending butterflies to your stomach. But if your love has not arrived yet or is busy, you may find that the only hand-holding you get is with your pet cat. There isn't that person there to hold your hand while you are watching a scary movie, only your large cat who is snoozing on the couch beside you. In reality, we work with what we've got and that may just be our furry friend! This is a meme that perfectly describes the expectations vs. reality of hand-holding with our love.

4 Getting Intimate


Getting intimate is something that many people enjoy. They think about new things they can do in bed to make it more exciting. They think of new techniques to spice up the bedroom life with their love. With all the sexy scenes in films, we have begun to expect this as normal bedroom life. Every time we do it will involve getting down and dirty! In reality, every night might not be filled with thrills and might be a time to get on your old t-shirt and shorts, and lounge around in bed instead. Perhaps that involves grabbing a book or finishing up some last-minute work in bed before you go off to dream land. The time before bed is your last chance to finish up tasks for the day and feeling freaky is probably not a priority in your mind. A night of hot romance isn't totally out of the question; it just may not happen as often as you expected.

3 Relationship Just Like in the Movies


The movies have so many moments that are so romantic that you imagine yourself reenacting them with your own partner. You think about how adorable it would be to remember the scene and try it out yourself, resulting in a similar effect as the movie. The problem is that the movie will have sound effects, rotating cameras, makeup and hair, and many other elements that worked together to get that moment. When you go and try, you may find yourself epically failing at getting the same desired look. Your hair is all over the place, a bird flies into your face, or he drops you instead of catching you. They are the movies for a reason and it is probably time to accept that your expectations will not become reality. Those moments should be left for on-screen and instead allow your own moments to be created as they come along. Don't force them because you may just end up becoming a meme like this one!

2 Lip Biting


How many of us have tried to master the sexy lip-bite? Probably almost everyone. We all have this perfect image in our minds of what we look like when we bite our lip. We expect that we look kind of bad-girl, sexy, and have an "I am adorable" kind of facial expression. You may have even practiced the look using your reverse camera feature and figured out how to master it. But when the mirror is not in front of you and you are giving it a try, you probably don't look like that. In reality, the lip-biting looks like you are holding in a fart and doing all you can to keep it from escaping. It is a face that is probably going to scare or disgust your partner. Pretty much, your lip-biting face is epically failing. Time to ditch the lip-bite and instead just go for the more natural facial expressions.

1 Sick Treatment

Talko has source

To be coddled and nursed is the dream of any person. There is something about someone taking your health into his own hands and doing everything in his power to make you feel better. You expect your man will bring your flowers, put on your favorite movie, and heat up a yummy bowl of soup for you. He will kiss you despite the germs that infest your body and smile while doing it. Oh, hello reality… Instead of meeting your expectations and staying up with you all night as you cough, he is fast asleep and leaving you to your misery. There are no kisses coming your way and no flowers on your bedside for when you wake up. Nope, you are alone in this one because he needs to look after his own health and can't be infected with your sickness. This is a meme that perfectly describes expectation vs. reality in love!

Next 10 Ways To Practice Self-Care: Summer Edition

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